by Luke, in Grenada
22nd April, 2009

The seas were rough this morning so up at 4.30am and then a 2 hour boat ride back to St Georges. None of us were firing on all cylinders when we arrived at the clinic. It was a busy morning, Peggy dropped us off and Clive and I worked with Emma, Marcha and Ron to clear the in patients, catch up with the backlog of surgeries (spaying the TVT, removing a lump, cat neuter) and sorted out the walk in clients that came thick and fast first thing. Marc, Adam and Nathan hit the town to get their last shots of the island and get the programme wrapped up.
Late afternoon has been spent organising, final pieces to camera and packing ready for the trip home tomorrow! We leave here at 5.30am so great trip and now I’m all set to get back and see the family. Off for some final rum and cokes and to say goodbye to everyone!!
I’m sitting at Miami airport drinking my coffee and dunkin’ my donut waiting for my flight home. It’s been a good trip with some highs and some lows, but overall I think we’ve pulled off another great programme.
The long trip home hasn’t got off to a particularly great start as we were up at 5am and the “airline” who flew us from Greneda to Miami decided that offering us a complimentary breakfast was too generous a step in these “credit crunch” times. I decided to purchase a sandwich as I was famished, whereas the rest of the crew starved. I wish I had not bothered as for my $6 I received a stale roll with ten slices of processed ham and one slice of rubbery cheese. Yum! I can’t wait to return home and have a nice cup of tea.
On a final note for this trip, and in context of our conservation work with the turtles, I would like to highlight the plight of something that is very dear to me: my name. Luke has continued to call me “Bruce” on this trip and has even gone on to the next step of introducing me to people as “Bruce from Armenia”. This has resulted in most of the people we meet also calling me Bruce. Now Bruce is a lovely name and I don’t want to offend any Bruce’s out there: for example Bruce Forsyth seems like a wonderful person, but it’s not my name. And I’m only part Armenian, not actually from Armenia. Anyway… If you feel that you can help preserve the name Nathan and have some spare time to volunteer your services in this very worthy cause then please contact me and we can start to get a plan of action together.
Save the Nathan NOW!
Nathan’s (Bruce’s) Top Bruce’s
Bruce Lee
Bruce Wayne
Bruce Forsyth
Bruce Springsteen
Fiona Bruce
Bruce Parry
Bruce Almighty
Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Banner (The Hulk)
Bruce Willis
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Grobellar
Robert the Bruce
Bruce The Duck??? (Luke’s suggestion…)
Bruce the Aussie
Kate Bush – “Hounds of Love” – We played this in the car on Carriacou in a vain attempt to impart some English music on the local population
Doves – “Kingdom of Rust” – From their new album, which is great, but also because my walking boots are beginning to rust from all the sea water
The Korgis – “Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometimes” – The point of the trip has been one of conservation (hence the learning) and the band is obviously named after a breed of dog…
Reverend and the Makers – “Heavy Weight Champion of the World” – It’s got the line ‘At School he used to dream about being Bruce Lee’
Divine Comedy – “Love What You Do” – Because we’ve met and worked with some people who truly love what they do
Grandaddy – “He’s Simple, He’s Dumb, He’s the Pilot – It’s my flying song
Hard-Fi – “Cash Machine” – Because it’s surprisingly expensive in Grenada
Yeah Yeah Yeahs – “Maps” – Luke bought a map to take back home and I accidentally creased it when it was in his bag. He wasn’t too happy…
Billy Ocean – “When the Going Gets Tough” – There were some tough days on this trip, but we managed to get through them
Will Smith – “Miami” – We sat at Miami airport for a long 5hrs waiting to go home