So this is my first ever overseas shoot, and the last shoot of the series for the rest of the crew. I shall be taking the role of Nathan, I agree with Luke, big shoes to fill! He’s given me a good brief of what I shall be doing so I’m all set and raring to go. I’m all a tad excited to experience working and exploring a country such as Costa Rica. Still unsure of what to expect and what I’m going to see, making it truly an adventure.
Getting onto the plane to depart from London, Luke seemed eager to sit next to me, of course I was only happy to oblige. I had only met Mr. Gamble in person a very brief couple of times in the production office, so the long flight ahead seemed a good opportunity for me to get to know the vet. Some, lets say interesting conversations and facts were exchanged, a fountain of knowledge he would have me believe….
I don’t think any of us were deeply impressed with the flight. I had my suspicions about the airline, and they were well surpassed. A 17 hour flight with near enough no service and serious lack of on board entertainment…. need I say more. Although a somewhat uncomfortable start, I wasn’t going to let that deflate my excitement for the next 10 days of adventures!
This morning I woke up with just a hint of horror, as I was to discover something had set up camp on my arm. Looking at this black motionless thing buried into my arm, all my panicked efforts to get the thing off failed. Thankfully I was working on a programme following a vet, just slightly alarmed, I was straight to Luke for his professional diagnosis. Apparently it was the ‘nasty variety’ of a Tick….Luckily it did not qualify for the removal to be filmed for the show. I was pretty grossed out by the whole awakening this morning. Luke claims I am now diseased. Having visions of a spider-man like story evolving…. which clearly would be no were near as cool.
So it’s coming to the end of the trip and what an adventure it has been. Before I head back to all the snow that is currently taking over the UK I thought I would get a last blog entry in. Firstly, it has been great to see Costa Rica, such a lush, colourful scenic country. The best morning coffee. Friendly people, have met some real characters along the way, who I thank for all their hospitality and to keep up the great work that they are doing. Having seen the work that all these people put into maintaining shelter for all these animals really has given me a new admiration to the commitment, hard graft and care that goes into running the shelters and sanctuaries. Plus, the importance of the work that is done, not only for the species of animals, but for the communities also. Luke really gets stuck in with everything he does, you can see just how much the community, and I’m pretty certain the animals themselves, appreciate the work he is doing to help.
All in all, it’s been a great experience, working with the crew and Luke has been a real laugh. Lastly just want to thank the team for giving me this great opportunity to join them on the final shoot of the series. Can’t wait to see the episodes up on the TV screen!!
Now back to that ‘special’ airline…..